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About Us

An action-based organization

About Our Founder

Award-winning corporate consultant

Dr. BonnieJean Butler is an award-winning corporate consultant specializing in meeting tight deadlines with small teams. Her vocation to provide security to needy populations has been proven again and again as she served as Board of Directors Vice President, Habitat for Humanity Greater Nashua, Board of Directors Vice President for Orphan Baby, and founded Radiant Baby a program providing baby showers in a basket for pregnant women homeless (or on the verge) as well as for sex trafficked pregnant women, which is a shocking term, even for her. She knew she needed to help.

In 2022, when Russia invaded Ukraine she was disgusted watching schools and hospitals intentionally targeted by missiles on the news. True to form, she was spurred into action. She researched and hired Ukraine shipping and delivery which has been consistently reliable with tracking throughout the entire Russian invasion. She build relationships with a npo in Ukraine supporting families and a contact spear-heading collections and distributions for Defenders similar to the resistance in WW2. She created an online inventory to Ukraine recipients in advance of receiving humanitarian supplies for distribution planning, and receives pictures of women, children and men with donations. In the last 16 months from Sept 2022 – January 2024, she personally shipped 11 TONS directly to Ukraine, and founded Protect Global Children as a nonprofit. She recently spoke with HURI (Harvard Ukraine Research Institute, the leading center in the US for interdisciplinary research on Ukraine.

She recently received two awards from Ukraine for these Humanitarian efforts and knows there is so much more work to do and the needs are desperate.

Additionally, Dr. Butler was a hands-on advocate for Angels of East Africa, working with Sam Childrens in 2018 – 2019 who was the first American to receive the Mother Theresa Award for Social Justice.

In 2010 – 11, she demonstrated tremendous Soldiers Advocacy for Deployed Soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan personally sent over 3000 lbs of care packages to soldiers who didn’t have support from home. She didn’t know them but heard they were struggling and immediately jumped into action. This effort earned her hundreds of unexpected and moving thank you notes, Multiple Certifications of Appreciation from Combat Support Hospital and Armored Regiment Combat Teams, a Soldiers Angels Award, and an American Flag flown over Afghanistan her honor and shipped to her. She also worked on the Pentagon Restoration Plan immediately after 9/11.

Dr. Butler will be the first one to tell you it’s all about letting people know someone cares.

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Does 100% of the money go towards shipping?

A very large percent of your monetary donation goes directly to cover the shipping costs of transporting donated goods, and purchasing high priority urgent needs that are not available in the area or are cost prohibitive.  Examples include tourniquets, infant formula, over the counter medical supplies, and batteries of all sizes.  Note: The Better Business Bureau recommends no more than 35% of a nonprofits budget should be spent on operating expenses.  Protect Global Children spends only 1.5%!

In what ways can I get involved beyond making a donation?

While monetary and item donations are vital to our mission, there are numerous other ways you can contribute your time and talents to make a lasting impact. This includes, but is not limited to, volunteering opportunities like packing/shipping items, hosting donation drives, spreading awareness, donating your professional skills, corporate partnerships and sponsorships, etc.

How can I ensure my donated items will reach those in need?

Our track record speaks volumes about our commitment to effective aid distribution. In the past year alone, we have successfully delivered over 10,000 pounds of essential supplies to families displaced by the conflict in Ukraine, providing them with vital resources during their time of crisis. Additionally, our efforts have supported Haitian and Israeli immigrant communities, ensuring they receive the necessary provisions to rebuild their lives. We believe in maintaining complete transparency with our donors and supporters. Regular updates and detailed reports are provided, outlining the specific locations and populations that have benefited from your contributions. This level of openness allows you to witness the tangible impact of your generosity firsthand.

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